Symposium: New Wave of Old Tradition - Modernizing Traditional Peking Opera
When and Where
Academic Hosts:
Professor Antje Budde (安琪•布德教授)
Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
Dr. Jason Kao (高耀星博士)
Foundation for the Advancement of Cross-Straits Arts & Culture Exchange (CANADA)
學術研討:國風新韻 - “京劇的傳統與新生”
時間:2:00 - 4:00 PM., 2019年十一月十日 (週日)
地點: Music Room, Hart House, 多倫多大學
(7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3)
Miss. Chu Lan Lan is the Head of the Lanxin Theatre of New Beijing Opera. She also teaches at the Beijing Opera Art Vocational College. Her Beijing Opera Performance, a magnificent combination of traditional arts and modern concepts and technologies, has enjoyed an international reputation. She and her team have received many awards at home and abroad. Professor Antje Budde is a well-known scholar in the field of experimental theatre (实验戏剧). She studied at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing (中央戏剧学院) and conducted research and artistic projects in Beijing (中央实验话剧院), Berlin and Toronto. She went on several study trips to China and has been working with a number of experimental theatre collectives, often inspired by Chinese art and culture. In recent years, together with her Digital Dramaturgy Labsquared she explored the works of the Sino-French artist Gao Xingjian (高行健).
Miss. Chu will engage in a dynamic dialogue with Professor Budde on their experiences and thoughts on “modernization” and “revitalization” of traditional theatre performances in China and elsewhere of our time. Short demonstrations and the audience’s active participation are expected to make the session both informative and entertaining.
承繼著前人輝煌成就的中國傳統藝術家,在變化急遽的新世紀,除了面臨著種種的挑戰,也迎接了前所未有的機運。來自中國北京的新京劇藝術家儲蘭蘭,將在世界知名的學術殿堂多倫多大學,與長期鑽研傳統戲劇現代化的著名學者 Antje Budde 教授,進行一場充滿知性與感性的精彩對談。此次活動的共同學術主持高耀星博士,長年致力推廣中華文化,是出身多倫多大學的學者,也是知名的藝術策展人。