Program Requirements
Students applying to the Master’s program can pursue their Master’s degree in one of three different streams: Coursework-only; Major Research Project (MRP); Thesis. In all three streams, students will be a part of a vibrant and diverse cohort of students, all interested in drama, theatre, and performance as ways to be in, learn about, and study the world. Students electing the Coursework Option will be exposed to discipline-based scholarship and creation courses, and will have an array of courses in other departments at the University of Toronto available to them. This option allows students to pursue a range of interests and tailor their learning in individual ways. The Major Research Project Option is ideal for students who are deeply engaged in theatre and performance practices and who wish to nurture a conversation between scholarly ideas and creative methods. The Thesis Option invites students to pursue traditional academic study, to develop a unique large-scale project, and to immerse themselves within literatures and scholarly traditions relevant to their research.
The MA is a one-year program. Most Coursework-only and MRP students will complete their requirements over two academic terms, from September through April. The Thesis option extends from September through July. Students in any stream may elect to take summer courses, typically in other departments, to fulfill their course obligations.
(effective September 2025):
1. Coursework-only option
Students must complete a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), as approved by the Centre, with no individual course grade below B-, as follows:
- 1.5 FCE in core courses, including DRA1001H History and Historiography in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), DRA1002H Graduate Laboratory in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), and DRA1003H Introduction to Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE)
- 2.5 FCE in electives
2. Major Research Project (MRP) option
Students must complete a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), as approved by the Centre, with no individual course grade below B-, as follows:
- 1.5 FCE in core courses, including DRA1001H History and Historiography in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), DRA1002H Graduate Laboratory in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), and DRA1003H Introduction to Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE)
- 0.5 FCE in DRA1005 Research & Praxis
- 2.0 FCE in electives
3. Thesis option
This option is only available to students whose research proposals were accepted upon admission. Students must complete a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), as approved by the Centre, with no individual course grade below B-, including:
- 1.5 FCE in core courses, including DRA1001H History and Historiography in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), DRA1002H Graduate Laboratory in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE), and DRA1003H Introduction to Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (0.5 FCE)
- 1.0 FCE in DRA1004Y MA Thesis
- 1.5 FCE in electives
The Centre may prescribe certain courses in the individual programs of MA students. MA students may also apply to take one 0.5 FCE Directed Reading/Theatre Research Course if a faculty member has agreed to supervise their proposed research.
Learn more about the Directed Reading/ Theatre Research courses. MA students may also want to take summer courses in other departments to fulfill their course obligations.
View all current graduate courses.
What constitutes good academic standing?
The Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies defines good academic standing following the School of Graduate Studies' Maintaining Good Academic Standing requirements.