DRM354H1 Design II (a continuation of DRM254H1) is an intermediate-level investigation of various aspects of theatrical performance design, with a focus on scenic and costume design, though also considering the impact of projections and lighting. Using skills developed through practical study in the Design Studio, the students form the core of the design team for Drama productions. Applications are required in order to enroll in this course.
- Enrollment: up to 10 students
- Interviews are no longer required.
- Pre-requisites: Any Drama Major or Drama Specialist* with a minimum 70% in required courses: DRM101Y1 and DRM254H1 can enroll themselves on Acorn (space permitting)
- After the priority period is lifted, Drama Minors, Fine Arts and Architecture students who meet the above pre-requisite in DRM254H1 can enroll themselves.
If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Osborn.