- Drama Majors and Specialists
- DRM101Y1
- DRM200Y1
- Apply Online by March 10, 2025
- DRM300Y1
Please note:
- DRM301H1 Voice & Movement I is the recommended prerequisite for students planning to apply for DRM403Y Mainstage Performance in 2026/27. If you cannot take DRM301H1 as a DRM403Y1 prerequisite, DRM375H1 Clown will be considered.
- You will be notified in mid-May of their results for DRM300Y1/DRM301H1.
- There is no Exit Jury or Audition needed for DRM300Y/DRM301H1 for 2025/26.
- Drama Minors can apply and be considered pending they meet the pre-requisites and there is space in the course. Decisions for Minors will be made in August.