DRM428H1 S: Advanced Playwriting

2025/26 Portfolio Guidelines

There is no interview for admittance into the course. However, all interested students must submit a portfolio of writing samples to be assessed by the instructor.

Additional pre-reqs: Minimum 70% in required courses: DRM220Y1DRM328H1 

Applicants to DRM428H1 S are required to submit both writing samples as one PDF:

  1. 15 pages of a first draft of a play.
  2. A one-page outline or synopsis of the submitted one-act or full-length play.

How to submit your portfolio

  • The application for S term 2025/26 will open in September 2025.
  • Apply online by selecting DRM428H1. 
  • Upload one Word or PDF attachment with the above writing sample and outline/synopsis saved as yourname_428submission.
  • At the top of your writing sample please state your name, student number, your e-mail, year of study, and confirm that you have the Pre-Requisites (DRM220Y & DRM328H). 
  • Address the letter to "CDTPS Selection Committee" and remember to include your full name in the letter.


The DRM428H1 Deadline is November 10, 2025.